Years of Life and Healthy Years Lost
“At age 20–39 years, obese women will lose $6 years of life and 15–19 years of healthy life”
(Meldrum et al.,2017)
(Meldrum et al.,2017)
“Blood pressure can usually be lowered or even normalized by losing weight.It has been estimated that for every 10 pounds of weight gain there is a 20% increase in hypertension and that about 70% of ‘‘unexplained’’ hypertension is from obesity” (Meldrum et al.,2017)
“The prevalence of obesity in infertile women is high, and it is well known that there is an association between obesity and infertility.” (Dilbaz,2015) “Overweight women have a higher incidence of menstrual dysfunction and anovulation. Overweight and obese women are at a high risk for reproductive health” (Dilbaz,2015)